Quirino Cristiani
Quirino Cristiani (July 2, 1896 – August 2, 1984) was an Argentine animation director and cartoonist, responsible for the world's first two animated feature films as well as the first animated feature film with sound. He is also the first person to create animation solely using cardboard cutouts.
Quirino also delivered the first animated movie -El Apóstol- in Buenos Aires in 1917. In 1931, Cristianis genius and industry resulted in another breakthrough when he produced Peludópolis, the first animated feature film with sound.
The documentary shows whats left of his work, a lost interview and 2 shorts that have been re-discovered during the making of this film. Since his ground breaking feature films have been destroyed in a number of fires, this documentary is all that exists to chart his unique adventure.
This is a flim about the life and time of Quirino Cristiani, the forgotten maverick who voiced his ideas against corruption and marked a pivotal point in the history of cinema making the first animated movie.
Labels: Festival for Animated feature film Cinema Quirino Cristiani
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