Tirin Johnson, a former agent of the Galactic Enforcement Bureau (G.E.B.), has been hired by her former employers to capture Flin Oobyin, a high ranking G.E.B. official who has succumbed to Soria encephalopathy. The G.E.B. has found a cure for this debilitating disease and request that Tirin capture Flin alive for neurological repair. However, Tirin would rather see him dead.
Tirin has a flashback to her first G.E.B. mission, of which Flin was the commander. Her team consisted of four other freshly graduated G.E.B. agents. When the mission goes terribly awry, Tirin reacts quickly and becomes the only survivor. She later learns that the mission was sabotaged by Flin to weed out the best agent. Flin subsequently offers her to join his team of special forces agents (the Elite). Tirin, disgusted by the knowledge that the mission was an elaborate set-up, still accepts the offer.
TO THE COMIC - MERCENEIRESS © 2005-2006 Steve Cheng
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